
Some Recent Play

So....it's been a while.
I thought I'd make at least a stab at updating my sketchblog, in hopes that that I might do this more regularly and be encouraged to continue to play and practice at making artwork. Also, a really good friend is about to head back to China with his wife and newborn daughter, and he was wondering if I still posted things. Chad, this one's for you....
OK so about the work itself I will make no apologies! I will however say that I'm very sloppy with the camera I have. It is a point-and-shoot digital graciously given to me by friends. I really hope to get a Nikon D40 to add to me lonely 24x120 Nikkor lens, but for now, this is.....enough. And I am thankful. At least taking these photos is a gentle step in the right direction, away from one of the real regrets of the past few years: not taking enough photos of stuff I've done/been involved in doing.
So I've been playing...the first two pieces done only with leftover paint from around-the-house type color matching jobs. Thus the odd palette.

Here's a sort of ode to the American flag (with a really unintentional biker face). I had, well...red, white, and two shades of blue for a tile repair touch-up. This was fun, complete with toothbrush-spatterings, abstract ripped flag-like effects and faux gunshot wound. I completed it in less than an hour so let's really play up the fact that I'm an amateur with some nice comments......

COOL blood-spatter EFFECTS!

SWEET bloody drip effect. YES.
AWESOME gunshot wound. Isn't this ironic? A GUNSHOT wound on the FLAG? ARTISTIC CHAOS!!!
Hey at least I didn't waste any paint....

Self-portrait done with leftover paint from a colormatch on a damaged wooden frame in our bathroom. I had 30 minutes to do this sketch in-between patching said frame and suiting up and heading out to Starbucks for a shift. I'd like to do more of these, it's good practice.
Last but not least, a shot of my addition to a sibling project for my mom last Christmas. She wanted an image depicting the sun from each of us - no other direction was given. This is what I came up with. (pardon the annoying flashbulb). The size is about 3x5 inches.
There you have it, an update. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Hope you enjoy, leave a comment if you feel so led. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I fell compelled to comment. :-)

I really like the Sun picture you did for your mom. It's like it's exploding with energy. I love it.

I love the flag. It really gives new blood to old gory. I meant glory. But I mistyped and I liked it.

I love you man. Keep up the great work. Update us with photos.

PS. I want a D40 too. They rock.

Anonymous said...

Good to see/ hear you're finding time to do this. Time is one of the most precious comodities we have - spending it to create while using your God-given gifts... what better way to thank Him (while praising Him with the act of "arting").
Love you my #1 son, the dad

Anonymous said...

Great work dood. Good to know you're back in action. Can't wait to "hang" this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Sun picture!!!!!!!!