
Play Architect

Rendering in watercolor for a contractor friend who needed to communicate an idea for a bid. I took the entryway below and modified it so that it wouldn't look like death (with emphasis on the canopy), then completed the rendering. Never done a rendering like this before in watercolor. Perspective is a little whack on the upper lefthand corner but yougettheidea.


Feelin Palmy

Drew some caricatures in West Palm Beach for a week. I had a wacky itinerary that put me in Chicago for five hours, so I took advantage of public transport and hopped the L to the Art Institute to check out the new modern art wing. After West Palm I stayed with some dear friends in Tampa to hold their new baby boy Asher and change his diaper a couple times. I also shot some pictures of my friend Rob's family in a fun makeshift home studio we made in an hour. Then I flew home.